Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My body is FINALLY MINE!!

Well it's official, Michael quit breastfeeding! I'm a little torn about's the end of babyhood and the 'need for me' but that means I have my body back!! I sat down to think about it and for the past 4 years I haven't had my body to myself!! I have either been pregnant or nursing for 4 years!!! I can't belive it!! I don't know what to do with myself. I have watched what I ate to not upset 'the baby' or give the baby gas, not taken certain drugs (pescription and over the counter), only had a one drink limit (during nursing) and a sip to 1/2 a drink while preggo (only on occasion). I always stayed away from smoking (allergic and it just stinks!!) But now....I can take pepto again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And share a bottle of wine or HECK drink the whole bottle!! Don't think I would but now I can!!!!!!!!!! Whoo Hoo!! I can drink caffeine and not worry about being up all night with a wired baby, just me!! And the biggest! I can go on a serious diet and bring SEXY back!! (LOL!!) So I'm liberated and am my own person now! It's kinda cool! And NO plans for another baby for at least 3 years!!!!!!! So don't ask! :0) But start thinking pink now we need all the help we can get!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Watch this video!

Check this out!! I think it's the best thing on youtube!!! Not biased! or anything!! Love ya!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What 5 words Describe your Marriage or Relationships?

Well I love Oprah and she's done it again!! And I'm having a record day! 2 blogs!! Wooo Hoo!!! So she asked us- the viewers to write down 5 words that describe your marriage and have your spouse do the same and share. Luckily Brent was home so we did it at the same time.
Here's what we came up with:

1. Loving
2. Friend
3. Challenging
4. Passionate
5. Communication/Trust

1. Passionate
2. Trusting
3. Honest
4. Fun
5. Best Friend

Not bad! I thought compared to the guests on the show. It really didn't suprise me what our anwsers were. They were in no particular order but most of them are the same. It's comforting to know in this day and age that we are on the same page. That's the common goal right??

Ok, for those that have a significant other go give them a hug and tell them you love them!! Even if you already have today!! And try this exercize!!! And get communicating!!!

Why do people do things like this???

This is What's wrong with the world...

I watched this today, I really miss Sky and BBC!! But I vividly remember when this happened. I really thought that the UK was under attack!! I mean 9-11 happened and they were stopped after that and have been on US soil. But in the UK the bombings of 7-7 happened and then this is on the news not too long after. I really thought they weren't going to stop and got very worried for my family. The military didn't allow us to go to London for a long time after this all happened. And thank God for the man in the tubes who stood up against this horrible person who was going to detonate his bomb next to a mother with her young baby!! A MOTHER AND HER BABY!!! Let me say that again a MOTHER WITH A YOUNG BABY!!! That could be me, and LOTS of my friends not just on my space but everywhere!!! These people don't care who they kill. This is proof!!!

Thank God that these people failed on this day!!! And that the world has sat up and reconized that there is a force out there that wants to hurt us. Not just Americans but all free people. The bombings of July 7th really hit home hard for me. I was forever changed by 9-11 I think all Americans were but I have never been to New York and until now I hadn't been to the Pentagon. But I rode the tubes so much and was at those places that were attacked. And to me that was too close. And to top it all off we were flying home that morning and we were taking the tubes to Kings Cross on the same line and the train home. And for a higher reason got delayed one day and weren't there and had to stay a day late. And came home to a country attacked and recovering from terriosim.

I can't imagine wanting to hurt and kill anybody just because...And the fact that this guy saw the mother and her young baby and still decided to do that deed there and not even move! Not that it would make it better, but other than the person blowing himself up they would have been the 1st victims!! Why!!?? It makes me so sad and angry. This is why our men and women are over there doing what they are to get rid of people that will do this to the world. To get rid of the idea of hate that these people have had to live with. Hopefully someday the next generation will be happy free people just wanting to live thier lives the best way they can.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Extra! Extra! Michael Walks!!

Hi all!

Oh, MYGOSH!! Yes he finally did it!! He's taken 5 steps to me!!!! We were at church last night and I was in the nursery with Sharon and Beth we were sitting in a triangle and Michael was walking along with a walker. Got down and crawled to me. I had even just said 'he just won't take that step!!' And he stood up (he's been doing that a while) and took like 5 steps toward Beth!! Then she turned him around and he walked to me!! And stood up and walked to Sharon!!! Marathon walker!!!!!!! I was so happy I got teary eyed!! It's soooo cool!! He just started walking like no thing not unsteady at all!!!

On the other hand I am now the proud mother of a 1 year old and a 2 year old!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But not for long! Philip will be 3 soon! We are having a Super hero party for him!! We were just going to do Justice Leauge but.... Philip loves Spiderman. I assumed that we couldn't mix DC with Marvel- one of the comic books 10 commandments but Brent being an elder of the church of all things comics said that it would be permissable to bend the rules for a toddler who doesn't know better but just has a innocent love for comics!! I LOVE BRENT!!! So all super heros will be allowed to be at the party!! Now my only question: What does one cook for Super Heros!!