So, the ultrasound to figure out when my due date is was this afternoon.....
First of all, I drank my bloody 24 ounces of fluid on top of my regular amount of fluid I consume due to the fact I'm pregnant (about 64 oz all together) and we get to the place and my appointment is at 1:30....
So my legs crossed, and eyes swimming I wait and there is a fish tank in the waiting room with a VERY loud trickle sound of water!!!
Now, I can be very patient...but when you have drank soooo much water and it's 10 minutes past your appointment you turn into a very impatient put it nicely.
It took me about a minute to stand up all the while telling myself to not pee...and walk to the front desk asking where the bathroom was....the lady tells me that I need to have a full bladder and I (as nicely as I can) tell her that it was nearly 15 minutes ago....she also asks me why I drank so much water, I kindly tell her that I was pregnant.
The bathroom was close! Ahhhh....
I go back and sit and Brent the whole time is laughing at me. NOW here is my question....WHY do they torture pregnant women. I was actually told that it wasn't necessary to have a full bladder unless they were looking at the cervix. Well we just wanted to find out the due date.
I get called back and get up on the table. Thankfully I still had a rather full bladder so that was nice. I have had LOTS of ultrasounds with the boys and always had really nice techs that tell me what they are looking at as they are looking. This lady didn't, but since I have seen so many I wondered where the baby was....the 2nd part of the ultrasound was coming and I asked if Brent and the boys could come in, she thought I was alone. So they come in. I had shown Philip his 'early' ultrasounds so he would know what we were looking at.
And we I don't know when this all happened but I do know my LMP and that we were noticing something 'not right' the week before Christmas and found out on Christmas. So we figured that we were about 6ish weeks. All I saw was a black hole (water) she did point out the yolk sac but when I asked where the 'baby' was she told me there was no baby.
WHAT!! My next question I Pregnant? She looked at me like I was stupid. And said from the mesurement of the gestational sac I was barely 4 weeks. Now I'm no scientist nor am I a doctor but that doesn't make sence....that would have me 2 weeks when I found out that I was and the week that I became preggo I started having symptoms.....
This confused me. So I asked again why couldn't we see a baby (the teddy bear) she said that there was no baby basicly if I cracked open a chickens egg that's what we were looking at. Now, with the wonderful internet and all of the technology that we have you can 'see' what a baby looks like at every week of development....including the little growing thing that counts down the days on my blog. So I can see that there is something that is developing it may be small but it's still there. So she shows us the blood flow which was cool and I asked if we could hear a heart beat....she reminded me that there was no baby so no heart....
I was beginning to think that she had no heart! And that there is a heart & circulatory system at 21 days.....hmmmm So needless to say... this lady was not nice!
I felt so bad when Philip asked where mommy's baby was...I think I would have hurt the woman if she told my child that there was no baby....
So she gave us a picture of the 'egg' and said that we would more than likely be sent back in a few weeks where there was a baby to look at. Well, I won't be going back to that place I will ask to go to another radiology clinic.
And we still don't know when we are due!!