Sunday, January 20, 2008

20 Rules that I have broken.....

  1. The 1st one would be the easiest one.....speeding....thankfully I have gotten better since I carry precious cargo in the car with me.
  2. To not kiss on the 1st date. I can't help myself sometimes!
  3. To not feed my kids junk food.....They LOVE oreos!
  4. To not share hairbrushes.
  5. To not yell at my kids. (working on it)
  6. To let the kids eat infront of the TV
  7. To let my kids watch more than 2 hours of TV a day
  8. I have not always been patient with people
  9. I let my babies sleep on thier backs if they rolled over. (Rule I don't break.....Don't wake a sleeping baby)
  10. I make up my own rules for Pit, I competely ignore the rule book!
  11. I have worn white shoes after labor day and before memorial day
  12. I have registered to vote but didn't
  13. I have paid bills late....
  14. I have mixed pasiley with stripes in a scrapbook
  15. I go outside with my hair wet ALL the time
  16. I let my kids drink fizzy drinks and they had tirimasu for dessert today!
  17. I don't always color in the lines
  18. I haven't always honored my mother and father
  19. I didn't always go to chapel in college
  20. I skipped school (college) with my own mom! (But it grew our relationship so I don't know if that was so bad...)

I'm sure there are many more....but who's perfect???

Are there any rules you have broken??

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Possible Due Dates.....

Since we are having another ultrasound sometime this week....we have a 2 week difference in the results of the 1st ultrasound and the LMP date. After this ultrasound they will take the average and figure how far along I am......either way the doc told me that she does scheduled c-sections on Wednesdays.

So we have 4 possible birthdays:
August 20, 27
September 3, 10

That's about all I know for now...
Brent's happy that he won't lose his birthday!

Friday, January 11, 2008

100 things I LOVE about England!

Before I am tarred and featherd.....there are about 1000 things I love about America....that will come later! So before you pass judgement and think I'm not a patriot, read these and you too may want to go to the land of our fathers!

(These are in no particular order)

1. Philip Scott born 9 Feb 2004
2. Michael Allen born 29 Dec 2005
3. bangers (cumberland sasuage with apples) and Mash-
4. sasuage rolls
5. PG Tips
6. scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam
7. High Street Shopping
8. profiteroles
9. Knightsbridge
10. lavender bushes
11. Lambing weekends.
12. farmers Markets on friday
13. organic Baby food!
14. 30 second tea kettles
15. Tesco
16. Boots
17. The fresh produce
18. The 5th of November
19. Joan Mitchell
21. Abbey Road
22. Cornish Pasties
23. The Ice Cream Man!
24. roundabouts
25. BBC Radio 1
26. # 7 Goshawk Close
27. Stonehenge
28. Covent Garden
29. "OY!"
30. Hard Rock
31. roses
32. Christmas Crackers
33. Hyde Park
34. Big Ben
35. Peter Pan
36. GREEN Springs
37. Hangar Dances
38. BBQs on the green
39. Alison, Frank, Alessandro, Luca and Daniela
40. Alconbury Independent Baptist Church
41. bouncy castles
42. Cottage Pie!
43. Science Museum
44. Natural History Muesum
45. Picadilly Circus
46. Red Phone Booths
47. Bev, Mark, Korey, Analise, Louis and Adam
48. Leister Square
49. Harry Potter
50. Milky Bars
51. Thornton's
52. The WEST END!
53. Woolworth's
54. Brampton Pie Co.
55. flapjacks
56. Cadbury
57. Father Christmas
58. Cotswolds
59. "Bump"
60. The arrivals gate at Heathrow/Gatwick Airport
61. Cambridge
62. Platform 9 3/4
63. Kings Cross
65. Harrod's
66. Harrod's Baklava
67. Double Decker Buses
68. The Food Hall in Harrod's
69. London Eye
70. The Orbital (really)
71. Brown toast with Irish butter and lime marmalade
72. radiatior heat
73. warm towels in the morning
74. crush
75. real Cheddar cheese
76. picnics
77. jacket potatoes with mushrooms & cheese
78. McClaren strollers
79. Tatty Teddies
80. Sarah, Michael, Claire, Paul and Charlie & Joshua too!
81. cot beds
82. Tesco onsies
83. Mothercare
84. Madame Tussaud's
85. playgrounds
86. shortbread
87. Sticky Toffee Pudding
88. Charlie and Lola
89. RAF Alconbury, Molesworth & Upwood
90. conservatories
91. Minis
92. the rain
93. when the sun comes out
94. castles
95. old churches
96. thatched roofs
97. The Beatles
98. London Taxis
99. Goshawk Close

100. The lifelong friendships that we made there and the fact that it will always and forever be 'home' to me!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


So, the ultrasound to figure out when my due date is was this afternoon.....

First of all, I drank my bloody 24 ounces of fluid on top of my regular amount of fluid I consume due to the fact I'm pregnant (about 64 oz all together) and we get to the place and my appointment is at 1:30....

So my legs crossed, and eyes swimming I wait and there is a fish tank in the waiting room with a VERY loud trickle sound of water!!!

Now, I can be very patient...but when you have drank soooo much water and it's 10 minutes past your appointment you turn into a very impatient put it nicely.

It took me about a minute to stand up all the while telling myself to not pee...and walk to the front desk asking where the bathroom was....the lady tells me that I need to have a full bladder and I (as nicely as I can) tell her that it was nearly 15 minutes ago....she also asks me why I drank so much water, I kindly tell her that I was pregnant.

The bathroom was close! Ahhhh....

I go back and sit and Brent the whole time is laughing at me. NOW here is my question....WHY do they torture pregnant women. I was actually told that it wasn't necessary to have a full bladder unless they were looking at the cervix. Well we just wanted to find out the due date.

I get called back and get up on the table. Thankfully I still had a rather full bladder so that was nice. I have had LOTS of ultrasounds with the boys and always had really nice techs that tell me what they are looking at as they are looking. This lady didn't, but since I have seen so many I wondered where the baby was....the 2nd part of the ultrasound was coming and I asked if Brent and the boys could come in, she thought I was alone. So they come in. I had shown Philip his 'early' ultrasounds so he would know what we were looking at.

And we I don't know when this all happened but I do know my LMP and that we were noticing something 'not right' the week before Christmas and found out on Christmas. So we figured that we were about 6ish weeks. All I saw was a black hole (water) she did point out the yolk sac but when I asked where the 'baby' was she told me there was no baby.

WHAT!! My next question I Pregnant? She looked at me like I was stupid. And said from the mesurement of the gestational sac I was barely 4 weeks. Now I'm no scientist nor am I a doctor but that doesn't make sence....that would have me 2 weeks when I found out that I was and the week that I became preggo I started having symptoms.....

This confused me. So I asked again why couldn't we see a baby (the teddy bear) she said that there was no baby basicly if I cracked open a chickens egg that's what we were looking at. Now, with the wonderful internet and all of the technology that we have you can 'see' what a baby looks like at every week of development....including the little growing thing that counts down the days on my blog. So I can see that there is something that is developing it may be small but it's still there. So she shows us the blood flow which was cool and I asked if we could hear a heart beat....she reminded me that there was no baby so no heart....

I was beginning to think that she had no heart! And that there is a heart & circulatory system at 21 days.....hmmmm So needless to say... this lady was not nice!

I felt so bad when Philip asked where mommy's baby was...I think I would have hurt the woman if she told my child that there was no baby....

So she gave us a picture of the 'egg' and said that we would more than likely be sent back in a few weeks where there was a baby to look at. Well, I won't be going back to that place I will ask to go to another radiology clinic.

And we still don't know when we are due!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Kids say the silliest things.....

Philip to Aunt Mia- these are the good 2. Don't break the rules.

Michael to the play phone- Hello? Hi! Just a minute (pushes the button) Hello? Can't talk right now ok bye (pushes the button again) Still there?

Michael to Brent-
Brent-are you ok?
Michael- I'm ok
Brent- Whatcha doing?
Michael- making messes!

Philip to Miranda-
Miranda-Philip please put away this toy (repeated 3 times getting louder every time)
Miranda- How many times do I have to ask you before you will put it up!!!???
Philip- 99!

Philip to Ms Frankie
(After completing a hot or cold project) Frankie-A BBQ isn't cold....
Philip- Daddy was awfully cold the other day when he was using it!

Michael to Miranda
Hi mommy I love you!

Philip to Miranda
Miranda-Mommy is having another baby....
Philip-Is Michael going to get smaller?
Do I have to go back in your tummy?

Philip to Brent- Don't worry dad it will all be alright...someday we'll live in a castle and have servants, you'll see everything's going to be ok....(the kid watches Alladin too much)

Michael to Melissa- Gimmie Phone NOW!

Philip to Miranda- (after showing Philip a picture of what the baby looks like a 6 weeks in a book) It looks like a fish! No, wait a snake!

Michael to EVERYONE- I a silly boy!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Iowa.....oh Iowa......

The election year is up and running and last night was the Iowa caucus.....

And the winners were Senator Obama for the Democratic ticket
and Governor Huckabee for the Republican ticket

I have NO idea who to vote for in the election in November, thank goodness I have 11 months to figure that out....and this doesn't solidify the party tickets for these 2 people...

But here are some things that have crossed my mind about the 2 people that could historically change this country.

Obama- I don't know much about him, I know that Oprah likes him, that he has 2 young children, when ever he and his wife are on TV they really look in love and happy and he's running for president. He seems like a nice guy.

1. Obama worries me because he doesn't put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. Now, it may not seem like a BIG thing, but will this cause other people to not do it??? Will they stop teaching it in schools? For some reason it bothers me, I know that because of the wonderful country we live in that we have the choice and that he has the choice but if he wants to run this country to show a little respect in a tradition of ours.

2. He wants to take out the I don't like the fact that we are STILL at war....and that young men & women are dying but I really feel if we pull out now or in the near future that it will just cause my boys and their generation to have to fix it again.

3. I do like that he supports the Guest Worker program.

4. I do like that he thinks that "marriage" is a word meant for a man & a woman.

Huckabee- I know a little more about him because I lived in AR during his governorhood. I know that he is a Baptist preacher, that he lived in a triple wide while the Governors mansion was being updated and renovated, that he's a father of grown children and he's from ARKANSAS!!

1. This is what worries me....he's from ARKANSAS! As far as I know it's at least in the 40s for ranking in Education, medical care, poverty, and housing.

2. Why do the American people think that a governor from Arkansas can run the country?? I have nothing against him as a person....he seems like a nice guy but from Arkansas...

3. He did create the Covenant Marriage act and that 'marriage' is for a man & a woman.

4.He thinks that we should finish what we started in Iraq and finish it right...

So there is my little political say for the moment...
I'm excited to be so close to DC during all of this and for the chance to maybe meet a Presidential Candide Republican or Democrat.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Devil comes in very pretty packages!

So, I haven't read the Golden Compass books or seen the movie nor will I. But from what I have read about it and the buzz that the movie has created I have come to the conclusion that it's horrible.

From what I understand....there is a little girl that is given the 'golden compass' she is supposed to save children from evil people that are hurting them. With the help of her morphing demon, (yes, demon) and a polar bear they go to save the world.

The books from what I have read say that there is much violence done to the children to include castration and abuse unspeakable. And that they practice killing God. The movie 'toned' down the violence and from one friend that went and saw the movie said that they took out most of the God killing but did make the Catholic church look like the bad guys. Much to the shock of the the Catholic church Nicole Kidman (being Catholic) defended the movie.

The author himself is a self proclaimed athiest. And these books according to him are his anwser to the Chronicles of Narnia books (that were written by a Christian and have MAJOR Christian undertones and values) He hates all things Christian and good as far as I'm concerned.....

This is directly from his website:
"But organised religion is quite another thing. The trouble is that all too often in human history, churches and priesthoods have set themselves up to rule people's lives in the name of some invisible god (and they're all invisible, because they don't exist) – and done terrible damage. In the name of their god, they have burned, hanged, tortured, maimed, robbed, violated, and enslaved millions of their fellow-creatures, and done so with the happy conviction that they were doing the will of God, and they would go to Heaven for it.
That is the religion I hate, and I'm happy to be known as its enemy."

And then goes on in another part of his website to say that most of his writing is for Children!!

So, what had bothered me most about this whole thing is that they made this sooo geared to children. The movie itself is rated PG 13 but yet they made tons of toys to make kids want to re-create it, meaning that they would have to see it. Now I actualy give parents lots of credit but the fact that the media had already made the decision for them because the previews are very big, bright and there's a big talking polar bear! Who wouldn't want to see that?

But it get worse! tonight while Brent and I were on our date there was a commercial for the Golden Compass video game!!!! And it even made a point to say. "with the help of her morphing demon" I actually heard an adult say WOW cool!!! When did the help of morphing demons become something we want to have on our side???

Demons! The helpers of the devil, it actualy looks cute at times.....there is something really wrong with this.

Well, wether you have read the books, seen the movies liked them or not I for one will not support this person and his mission work for the devil! And how he makes it look so nice and great just makes it even harder for Christians to dodge the minefields of him.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Resolutions 2008

Well 2008 is here and it's taken me a few days to decide what I wanted to attempt to do, not do, or achieve in 2008.....

And here it is......
  • Have a great pregancy- try to have Sonic at least 2, enjoy the little things, smile every time the baby kicks, get lots of rest, and thank God every day for the blessing He gave us.
  • Redecorate my office at church.
  • Read the bible and try my hardest to UNDERSTAND it!
  • Finish Philip's monkey blanket by his birthday (9 Feb)
  • Set aside 1 day a month and take the boys out to lunch, just us.
  • Go on 12 dates with Brent!
  • Finish Philip and Michael's baby books by July so I can start the new baby's book!
  • Make good use of my clean house!
  • Finish one of my many incompleted projects a month.
  • Go to Curves 3 times a week
  • Send off Christmas before Christmas.
  • Make menus and stick to them.
  • Make homemade pasta
  • Make homemade cinnamon rolls
  • Make homemade ribbon candy
  • Perfect my flour tortillas
  • Read a book a day to the boys
  • Tell my family how much they mean to me every time I can
  • Make a gingerbread house from scratch
  • Wake up 1x a week with Brent and have breakfast with him
  • Finish 25 scrapbook pages a month
  • Turn the TV off!
  • Use my bread maker at least during the winter and fall.
  • Play with the boys when ever they ask.
  • Take all the pictures I can to not miss a moment
  • Write down the little things the boys say. So I never forget.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2007 in Review

January- New Years! Michael took his 1st steps. Quit nursing...

February- My 27th birthday, Philip turned 3, Mom came to visit from Iraq, Mia came for the birthday party, Super hero Birthday party, The ice storm and Valentines day!, Philip potty trained!

March- The great snow storm & sledding, snow ice cream, visited Philadelphia, Harrisons, Poffs and found Steve, went to Jenn's 30th birthday party!, St. Patrick's Day! allergy testing for Phil- allergic: white potatoes, carrots, vanilla, peanuts and sesame seeds!, Brent gets his award from Molesworth, Michael holds his breath and passes out causing a 911 call, Easter party with friends at church, played at the Baysocks field!

April- Adopted the pup, Rocky the beagle, Harrisons came for Easter went to Baltimore; Hard Rock and Children's museum, Easter egg hunt and celebrated Ryan's birthday, went to SONIC in Delaware! with Melissa and Ruth, took the boys ice skating, Tacky party at church, Memoranza, and the tulips that Philip planted bloomed!

May- Michael got his 'big boy car seat', Uncle Carl visited, Bike rodeo, Matt's graduation!, Mother's day, Uncle Vic, Aunt Joyce and girls come for a visit, Grandpa Paul comes to visit, Memorial Day, Get a great part time job as Church secretary, get a new Preacher.

June- Philip's 1st pinewood derby, Fixing the Rodeo (or 'busted up truck'), Father's Day, Reagan visits, go to DC see the National BBQ festival (STARVE), go to International Children's festival, concerts in the park, Julie's baby shower.

July- Swim party, Michael's 1st time swimming, Our 8th Wedding anniversary went to Bennihana's and saw Phantom of the Opera at the Kennedy center, 4th of July, fun at the beach, fireworks at the park, fly to KC visit Grandpa and Judy, Winn Family Reunion in Branson, Philip's 1st VBS, go to 6 Flags, Poker night, Harry Potter book 7, made the boys a book nook.

August- Cards and Nats game with Spillers, Ager shower, Went to see Dog with Melissa in DC (I still LOVE you, DOG!!!) The camera died, Poff girls visit for week.

September- Poffs camping, Ager Labor day picnic, 1st Pedicure, Philip's 1st day of school!!!, Ladies retreat, Grandma Daina visits, Brent's 29th (poker) Birthday party, 1 last swimming party.

October- 1 year with Creative Memories! Michael gets a big boy bed, Navy Ball, Mom and Dad come home from Iraq, went to the corn maze, Melissa & Miranda's party food craze! Halloween! Sewing and party!

November- The boys meet Bob and Larry, packing of Operation Christmas Child boxes, leaves change colors, Thanksgiving, Black Friday shopping and the flat tire, Marcinkowskis visit, Game night.

December- Tree goes up, 1st snow, More kitchen creations, Ornament exchange, party at Mimms, Decoration of the tree Philip helps this year, SQ party and the 2nd place 5 layer checker board cake, Church Christmas party carnival, Cut 10 inches off, Philip's 1st Christmas program, Visit Santa, Christmas eve with Wilsons & Sharon, Christmas Day, found out about #3!, Michael turns 2! Elmo Birthday Party! New years eve party at church! (didn't make it to 9pm!)

What a great year!!!!! Happy New Year!