Today is Friday the 13! And 61 years ago, a handsome young man named Philip and a beautiful young lady named Evelyn said their "I dos"! My Grandparents are celebrating 61 years today! And the amazing thing is they also married on a Friday 61 years ago. 61 years later they have 2 beautiful daughters and one dashing son, 2 wonderful son-in-laws, a beautiful "Just Judy", 6 grandsons, 4 granddaughters and 1 granddaughter-to-be, 2 great-grandsons and 1 brand new great-granddaughter. They are the most amazing people in the world! They love like there's no tommrow, give with smiles, they have opened up their home to countless guests and family members. They give the best hugs! I could go on and on about them but there isn't enough space on the world wide web! They are great Christian examples to all, and I love them for showing me the way. I love them for so many things! They are the best~!
Happy Anniversary Grandma & Grandpa
Here's to many many more!