Monday, December 31, 2007
Yes! I do know what causes this!!!
Just in case anyone wants to ask here is the anwser! YES!! I do and we both know what causes this!!!! It's not really rocket science....
Just a little sick and tired (no really, I'm pregnant) of all of the 'you do know what causes this' questions.
It's not like we have kids less than one year apart....or that we are freaking out about the extra financial expenses or that we aren't happy about the suprise. After all said and done Michael and this one will almost be 2 3/4 years apart. Philip will be 4 1/2. It's not that bad of spacing.
We did have other plans....I wanted to lose more weight, let at least one or both boys be in school....let Brent have one more stripe....BUT it's not up to us really. God had his plan and we are ok with it. He has blessed with another little bundle. I know the physical toll it will take on me with having another c-section and the recovery is not the nicest thing I have experienced.
So, just incase you were wondering what causes this....if you don't know I suggest you blame the school systems....and we are considering a TV for our room!! LOL!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Michael turns 2!
He had an Elmo birthday party with lots of friends and presents! And of course loved every minute of it! He also got a hair cut that makes him look so much like a big boy....
Everyone loved the pizza bar. The kids got to make English Muffin Pizza with lots of toppings and I took orders and made 5 pizzas for the adults. Along with fruit salad (yummy yummy)
The party wouldn't have gone as smoothly if I didn't have my partner in crime Melissa! Thank you THANK YOU!! And as always had lots of fun with you making a mess in the kitchen!!
After all the presents were opened, pizzas consumed and punch was gone I sat down and looked at my sleeping 2 year old and measured his foot to my finger and got teary eyed they grow up so fast! How I wish I could slow time a little just to be able to savor every moment.....
Well Happy Birthday Michael!
P.S. I also realized that I have a 3 and a 2 year old for around 2 months!! LOL!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Tonsils Stink!
So not to get to gross I get icky things in them almost every day and they sometimes scratch the back of my throat making me cough and choke. (having a VERY low gag reflex at the moment) I was trying to cough up one of the things and it got stuck. So I tried to manually take it out with my finger. And what do you know...I managed to tear my tonsil!! It was horrible! I called my doc knowing that if I went to the ER I would be there all day and night. So they sent me to an urgent care center where I had an appointment. The Doc came in and looked at me like how did you do this. And then proceeded to tell me that he had never seen this before!!! That made me feel soooo much better! HA! He said that he couldn't do anything and I need to see and ENT and the worse they would do is numb it and clip off the part that tore and do a few dissolving stitches!!! AHHHHH!!!
So, now I have to make an appointment and the mean time I feel like I need to swallow something that won't go away!! It's very annoying! And now that I have a bigger hole food gets caught in it!!!
Tonsils Stink!!!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Morning Sickness??
Ah, here we go again! I wonder why they call it 'morning' sickness? My body doesn't care what time it is!! I told Brent we are going to have to stock up on ginger ale and saltines. (that's my remedy for nausea) I like the little osyter crackers too.
I have my first appointment as well, they said that we will get a picture! That's exciting, I love ultrasounds and the steady train heart beat of a growing baby.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The Christmas Suprise!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
4 Years Ago....
So, 4 years ago was the start of a journey that hasn't ended but will continue as long as the good Lord will let me! It won't always be in the same place (thank you Air Force) but I will always have the memories and people that I love along with me!
Friday, September 21, 2007
And Now I Have A Boyfriend!
So Melissa and I went to our favorire haunt to celebrate our fasting ending....ah the sun also sets! We waited, there is always a crowd...So we get seated at a table, not our favorite spot. We like the booth in the corner. So we get some totally awsome queso fundido!! TRY IT!! YUM! And our dinners, and traditional drink. And right in the middle of dinner we decide that we are moving, and ask if we can go to our booth, they even help us move all of our stuff. Now I have been going here with Melissa for about 10 months, they know her (her hubby worked there) and are starting to know get to know my face. So, we are at our booth and the host comes over to bring us something and calls me his love. We laugh and he walks away this proceeds a 'will you be my girlfriend' and a marriage proposal. All with the same anwser, "I'm married (happily) with babies. Thank you but, no" Always with a red face and giggles. I don't know what to think. My self esteem is all but non-existant and this throws me for a loop. He even brings extra large fried ice creams with a smile and a "I don't care you are married" Gotta love the persistance! So here I am to him beautiful! So I have to call my hubby and let him know about my proposal of marriage and he asks how much I've had to drink!! I'm laughing Melissa is cracking up! So, we get ready to leave and he tells Melissa (oh, yeah she is my translator, he speaks only a tiny bit of English) to tell me that he hopes to see me a lot because it will make him happy. With that we get the check and had free fried ice cream and more smiles! I love it! Just when I think that I'm the ugliest thing that walks the world. Someone tells me otherwise.
And YES my husband tells me all the time and reguardless that he has to tell me that or he really believes it are 2 different things. I know he loves me and wants to be with me because he thinks I'm beautiful and all of that. It's just really nice to hear it from another person (ie. male)
So, for now I have a 'admirer' and a free ice cream (every now & then) and the pick booth! And Melissa likes that! (the pick booth and ice cream) :0)
That's the excitement in my life! Ah, gotta love Mexican restaraunts! I was serious about the Queso Fundido! It's cheese dip with chorrizo!!
You Know What Sucks?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Croc Hunter
So, to the world (human and animal) we all lost a great friend. But we will always have the shows and specials that will always be on for us to see. he world will never be the same because of him and it hasn't been the same since we lost him but what a blessing to have had him in our time to know or at least get a peek into the mind of a man who loved all creatures.
Crikey! We miss you mate!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
We survived the 1st Day of School!
He had a great 1st day. Once he understood that you have to listen....he loves is teachers too!! I have my 1st piece of art from school too! It's an 'all about me book' very cool! And a Scholastic book sales thingy. I had forgotten all about those!! I'm so excited! Books! They are learning about 'me' for now and then about community. Brent and some co-workers may be able to go up in uniform to teach them about military service in the community. That will be really cool and of course there will be pictures! My baby all grown up! Suprisingly I didn't cry, I was a little sad to see him just say 'bye' and run into the room. But the smile he had when he saw us was priceless! We took him to McDonald's for lunch and he told us about his day. He even took a nap that afternoon without a fuss. He's growing so fast!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
An Ode to My Camera
This thing was bought in England, has gone to Paris, France, Rome Italy, Washington DC, London England and the US all over countless times until it took the last picture of a beautiful evening in London and moved with us to Maryland. All of the landscapes and places that's it documented, thank you old friend.
It's been tried and true. Babied, dropped (only a few times) and went thru tons of batteries. I'm sad that it's gone. But I will always have the images that it took for my family and I and for that I'm thankful. So, today I took my 1st pictures with my new camera, it's a little smaller, has a lot more bells and whistles, and was WAY more cheaper than cameras 4 years ago. But the 1st pic that the new family member took was of the old camera that has done so much for me.
So, I say goodbye to an old friend and welcome a new friend and can't wait for what this one will see and take for our family.
Thank you old friend. That'll do camera, That'll do.
I Got Tagged
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment (you're it) and to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me back, let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see your answers.
Okay, here goes. If you REALLY know me some of these things are obvious but for the rest of you here it is...
1. I once played Snoopy, and had the time of my life
2. I had to take voice lessons when I was little because I had to scream to be heard at the nursery school I was at, It nearly ruined my voice
3. I thought I wanted only girls, until I had boys
4. I am the Queen of Useless Knowledge
5. I actually think I take a good picture
6. I never beat Super Mario Brothers (the orginal one)
7. I honestly can't tell you what 8x7 is with out adding 7+7 is 14 and 14+14=28 and 28+28 is (8+8=16 carry the one) 56
8. I would love to be a professional scrapbooker, that gets to design things and make albums for people, on a grander scale than what I do now.
9. I truly love all of my friends and when I say, "If you ever need anything" or "anytime" I REALLY mean it!! I'm there.
10. I don't think I'll ever get my degree, and really didn't think I would ever not get one, and that's ok. My success isn't going to be measured by a piece of paper but by the Men my boys turn out to be.
I am tagging Melissa A, Ruth, Ashley, Mia, Melissa K, Tina, Bri, Angie, Janie, Daina
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Thoughts on Owen Wilson
So, I know that Owen Wilson will never read this but, my heart goes out to him and I'm praying for him and his family for recovery, peace and ability to go on from this stronger. I for one will always go to the movie if he is in it, so I hope that he keeps doing what he does best! And keep up the good work, you always have a fan in me!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Just another page in my crazy life!!
Well it all came to a head yesterday....and I'm DONE! I'm tired of being the parent and the responsible one, the mature one, the voice of reason. I can't do it anymore...I have my own kids to teach right from wrong. Because of this at 9 I lost my childhood, the right to be a kid and carefree. I can't do it for my mom anymore. I joke that I am in my own personal war with Iraq, (no offense to the good people of Iraq) but it's true. I'm concerned for her and love her very much (I have this understanding that there is an unconditional love with a mother and child and child and parent) but I just can't fight with her anymore. I can't go along with what she says as being truth and what reality is. I work VERY hard every day to not be a nutcase because of my childhood, teenage years and just the day to day life of a mother of 2 toddlers. Unlike my mother I have decided to not let my past control who I am right now. I understand that I can get up every morning and know it's a new day, a gift of a clean slate if you will, and do it again the same or different. And not let yesterday control what will happen today. Now with this being said I don't forget the lessons I learned from the mistakes or sucesses that I have had. That's the problem with humans and why history repeats itself. I still make mistakes sometimes the same ones but I don't blame anyone but ME.
And I hope that I have never let anyone feel that I wasn't totaly appreciative for anything anyone has ever done for me and because of that and those people I have felt blessed and loved and couldn't want anything more. To make a statement that one has been appreciative of what others have done for them BUT in the same breath say they have never gotten what they wanted is the ramblings of a ungrateful spoiled little brat! Yes, harsh words. But would you believe that they came from a 50+ year old!! I have to use this and take it to make sense to would be like me telling Brent thank you for buying something for me from Tiffany's but it's not what I wanted.....What the HECK!!! I would sound like a brat! and people would want to hit me in the head!! Well that's where I am right now.
The outcome of this is that I was hung up on and she isn't coming to see me anymore. Now I know that more than likely isn't happening but that's the emotional lashings I have been given since I was 9. But you know this time I just may let her be and not call her and want her to know that I really want her in my life. And my boys. But the fact that a mother wanted to walk away from me is her choice and frankly I'm tired and can't fight the war anymore so I choose to take my army and go home. If she wants to continue to destroy herself and life there is nothing I can do or say to make her stop. She has the choice just like I do. This is all very hard for me to wrap my head around and I've come to the realization that I don't want to or need to. I just need to be the best mother, wife, daughter, friend, and christian that I can be but only with the help of the man upstairs. I guess He is the only parent I have that has been there all the time no matter what. Kinda nice huh, knowing that I have always had someone that has been there even when my own weren't or couldn't be. I also have an entire aresnal of 'parents' that will always be there for me and have always been there. It just hurts that I don't have the one who was given the job.
Ok, I have to stop for now. Thanks for reading.
Friday, July 27, 2007
And it wouldn't be an Elmo party with out Dorothy!! So We'll have to adopt a goldfish. Don't think Brent would mind too much And lots of crayons!! I'm already excited about it!! And it's not until December!! but anyways! if any one has any ideas about Elmo parties let me know!!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Magical Me!
Monday, June 25, 2007
6 Months till Christmas!
I'm still stuck on what to do for Michael's birthday party. He really doesn't have a favorite character, other than Lola of Charlie and Lola. And they really don't have party things for them. He does like Mickey Mouse and Little Einsteins. I could do a Baby Einstein party like we did with Philip's 2nd but would that be fair? Do you think he would care or should I do something different all together?? Philip is having a pirate party, and we are going to take 8 kids to the new Veggie Tales movie the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything and after we will have cake and a treasure hunt for the 'loot' bags. It's horrible I have Philip's party all planned and I don't have a clue what to do for Michael's. Well...I'll figure it all out. I do have 5 months to figure it all out....
Friday, June 22, 2007
Summer tends to be a good reading time! Hopefully I can get it all in!! Happy Reading!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Children & War
Now.....I may not make any friends by this posting but I don't care! We all have our different opinions.
First of all....WHAT was that Mother doing letting her husband give thier CHILD nightmares like that!! I would have STOPPED that description dead in it's tracks!! People don't realize how quickly children lose thier innocence these days! They (kids) want to grow up so fast and these Parents have just done that for thier baby!! YES, we are at war and our children have to live in these times. I don't know what I would say to my (almost) 3 year old if he asked me why we are at war. I would have to discuss it with my husband first. Something I don't think this family did. But the best thing for us to say would be 'the only way the bad people win is for good men to do nothing!' How could a NINE year old grasp the concept of a man killing his wife infront of him!! We are a blessed people that live in the greatest country in the world and don't have to see such things in our front yards!! I know there are places that this happens but we aren't there!! Why would we expose our CHILDREN to things like this!!? Yes they will be curious at some point but to push a CHILD so far to the point that it fills him with RAGE and HATE is terrible!! We should teach our children LOVE, Patience, Charity, PEACE! There is a whole world out there that will try to undo the good that the family instills in a child why would a parent do that!! How confusing for the little boy. Hopefully someday we will all be at peace and we won't have to tell our children that we are at war and babies will not have to lose thier mommies and daddies who defend and protect our country, but for now let the children be children. Innocence is something that is almost a lost concept to us, why not hold on to it for as long as we can!
Ok, I'm done.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
TODAY: Philip is 3 years 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days old!!!!!!!!!
Just a golly gee wiz!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I did it and I want my medal!
AND I really got SUPER angry when he would correct Philip after I would!!! OHHH!!!! And then constantly get on to him over and over and he actually told him that he was acting like a "brat"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to launch an all out war on him!! But I calmly (as I could) told him that we don't call the boys negative names and WE DON'T TELL THEM THAT THEY ARE BAD!!!!!!!!!! What kind of psychological damage did he do to his own kids??? I really don't want mine to doubt thier self worth. The worst that we'll say is that they have really hurt our feelings and that they are acting naughty (naughty being temporary) When you label a child a 'brat' or bad they actually think that they are. Think about it...a long time ago when I was a teenager someone called me 'fat' (I was like 130) Boy was I SO NOT FAT!! but after a while I really thought I was!! And guess what now I really there a connection? (I thought I was so why not really be) Plus for every negative comment you give a child (or even adult) you have to say 100 positive ones to cancel out the negative one. I have a lot of 'good' talk to do. To cancel out the visit. I won't even go there about the 4 letter words that came out of his mouth every 5th word or so.....But mark my words if Philip or Michael says just one........
Yesterday Brent got like 4 hours of sleep and I got 6 but I was the one competely drained and exausted!!! And being the sweet hubby he is he let me take the nap. I wanted to cry I was so tired. It was just so demanding and yes I want a spa break complete with massage and target practice (lol) and then I want a medal!!!!! A big shiny one!!! Because dang it! I did it! And I am the best wife there is!! I endured an excersize where Brent worked nights, the boys and our day to day lives and his father and constant talking and gas!!!! So if any of you want to send me letters of congratulations please feel free!! And if any of you know of a good resort let Brent know!!! :0)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I'm Tired
They are doing an excersize and he trying to be thoughtful volunteered for the night shift. So we could have a vehicle during the day....but again he isn't here but he is here. And the boys are about to drive me crazy...there is something new in the house and they have to test the limits at all times. So that's fun. Rocky is being crazy. And I'm tired. I have to make breakfast and I really don't want to! I just want to go to sleep. With Brent at work at night I don't find sleep as fast as I want to. With all that's happened this week I haven't made it to the gym as much as I wanted. I should really just go and do but there is a parade today along the road the gym is on so I don't even know if I can get to the gym. So well, I'm stuck in another 'discussion' with Brent's Dad that's so much fun you'll hear all about that later!! YEAH!!
Hope all have a better Memorial Day than I will!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Somewhat of a rant
Also, Brent told me of a news story that he heard on the radio yesterday morning, it didn't make the national news and I'm wondering why....A white couple was out and they were car jacked by 5 black men...The men raped the husband while the wife watched and dismembered various parts of his body and shot him 3 times...the wife got to live for 3 days and I can only imagine what she went thru before they cut off her breasts and died. As far as I know the 5 men are in custody and we don't know if they had children but they were someone's kids too, they had a family. Now.....why didn't this get pasted all over the papers this was just a complete and total act of evil, I doubt that it was a hate crime it was just thoughtless and evil to see what they could do and get away with. 2 People lost thier lives and one of them had to witness it. Competely helpless. Why didn't this appear on Fox News or CNN and get as much coverage as the comment that Don Imus (who was a SHOCK JOCK by the way) made???? They (the team) were effected by that for how long.....and now a family is dead because of hate and evil. It's amazing of what the media considers news worthy isn't it? Why aren't we being warned about these men?? There is all kinds of hate and evil in this world and frankly it scares me everyday that I live. When it's more important to tell the world about a comment made by a SHOCK JOCK towards a mostly black women's basketball team as a joke, yes it was a slur but have you listened to rap lately??? And the 'upset' that one word caused them and for a SHOCK JOCK to lose his job because he was just doing his job than to tell the world about a couple that was brutally murdered by a group of men.... there is something seriously wrong... I pray for that couple and the horrible death they faced. And just pray for the world to wake up and realize what we are doing to eachother.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Michael is a Wheel Watcher!
I'm also getting ready for my 1st all day crop!!! Tommrow!! I hope that it all turns out well!! I know that no matter what we will have fun!!!!!!!!!!! So wish me luck!
Monday, April 23, 2007
What We did this weekend!
So in the great state of Maryland they have the commercials and every time they showed one I would look for one where ever we went but there were none to be found!!! Early February they were advertizing a new shake or something (WOW this really shows the power of advertizing!!) and I announced that I wanted Sonic! Brent actually went on the web and did a search for the closest one and that was either in Delaware or Virginina more than 50 miles away!!! So after talking about it with Melssa we set a date and it was this past Saturday! So, Melissa, Ruth, Brent, Philip, Michael and I took a road trip!!
Yes, we drove 1 1/2 hours for Sonic!! and it was worth it!!!! They even had a really neat playground that Philip and Michael played on...we all did too! But it was worth the drive!! It was a really nice day, actually got warm!! And there was even a CD made just for the trip! I can't wait to go back again soon! All the way to Delaware!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Secret I Love You
They had a section on how different families say 'I Love You'. I was thinking about how we say I love you in our family. Mostly we just say it. Or we have a meal that we know they will enjoy. Or a glance, smile, wink (I love that Philip and Michael try to wink at us.) We kiss, Michael just started giving kisses with the smooch sound and all!! And I love that both of my babies learned that sound from us and our displays of affections. Michael will see us kissing and start making the kissing sound. They both kiss thier favorite stuffed animals. And enjoy eskimo kisses and butterfly kisses (always with giggles). But the thing that Brent and I have done for a long time is squeeze hands. 3 times for who ever starts it (I Love You) and 4 times for the other (I Love You Too!). Simple and quite. No one knows when we do it, it's just for us. Well, this has been happening for a long time in my family, apparently my parents had this same ritual when they were dating and relationship. They even have pendants (hey it was the 70s) that have this engraved on the back. I started it with Brent when we were dating and have continued to do it when ever we hold hands. The other day Philip did it to me, not thinking I squeezed his hand back 4 times. He looked at me and said "you love me too!!!" That warmed my heart and made me a little teary eyed. But it just made me feel loved above all!
Do you have a secret way of saying I Love You????
Thursday, April 12, 2007
In Honor of National Siblings Day
Monday, April 2, 2007
It's a BOY!
Friday, March 30, 2007
12 Hours later....
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Word Vomit
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Philip's Allergies
My poor kid! It's not too bad though, could always be worse!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
It's so nice outside!
P.S. Happy Birthday Daddy!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Update on Michael
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
My Poor sick Baby!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The MOST unROMANTIC Valentine's Day EVER!
We went to bed knowing that there was going to be a 'storm' over night....Brent woke up at 4 to call to see if he had to go to work, nope! So he went back to sleep! We woke up at 6am to no power! And ice on our bedroom windows! This is what our front yard looks like!
Not to much fun!!! But we cam down stairs and tried to keep warm. Brent decided to go to Safeway to get some food. He also got us cards
And Hot Chocolate from Starbucks! Philip thought it was very cool!
After sitting in a really cold house we decided to go out! Target was closed, But Wal-Mart was open! Along the way we took some really neat pics!
After we walked around Wal-Mart and rediscovered that we liked white cloud diapers and they are soooo much cheaper we went to lunch at Chili's
After Chili's we went to check out Target again. It was open with minimal lighting, but the cash registers worked!! We went back home. It was still warm upstairs and we were all dressed in layers so Michael went and took a nap and Brent shoveled the walk while me and Philip played in the ice!
The bed was horrible and we found out the next morning that the window had been cracked the whole time!! We couldn't get the room really warm!! But it was a warm place for the boys!! Of course we have been yelled at by a few people that we should have called! (Another reason we NEED A CELL PHONE!!) But we made it home and by noon the next day we had power! And will never forget our Most unRomantic Valentine's Day ever!!! The Boys all warm and knocked out in thier favorite room!! They are so easy! And we are blessed to have them!! And I'm blessed to have my wonderful husband! I love you, Brent!! Can't wait for next Valentine's Day!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
My Baby is 3!
Happy Birthday Philip!!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Michael is A OK!
7 Wierd Things!
1. I can roll my tounge both ways.
2. I had to take voice lessons when I was little because of the daycare I was at I had to scream to be heard and was ruining my voice. (No comments!) :0)
3. I really can't do math! Multiplication tables....NOPE!!
4. My water broke naturally on my due date with my 1st baby...26 hours later I had a c-section due to lack of progress!!
5. I have the brain for useless knowledge
6. I have really bad dreams still.
7. With all the weight I have gained I still have small ankles and skinny fingers!!
I am tagging Angie, Samantha, Mia, Melissa, Brent, Justin, Bobbie
Friday, February 2, 2007
My 27th Birthday!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
My body is FINALLY MINE!!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Watch this video!
Check this out!! I think it's the best thing on youtube!!! Not biased! or anything!! Love ya!!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
What 5 words Describe your Marriage or Relationships?
Here's what we came up with:
1. Loving
2. Friend
3. Challenging
4. Passionate
5. Communication/Trust
1. Passionate
2. Trusting
3. Honest
4. Fun
5. Best Friend
Not bad! I thought compared to the guests on the show. It really didn't suprise me what our anwsers were. They were in no particular order but most of them are the same. It's comforting to know in this day and age that we are on the same page. That's the common goal right??
Ok, for those that have a significant other go give them a hug and tell them you love them!! Even if you already have today!! And try this exercize!!! And get communicating!!!
Why do people do things like this???
I watched this today, I really miss Sky and BBC!! But I vividly remember when this happened. I really thought that the UK was under attack!! I mean 9-11 happened and they were stopped after that and have been on US soil. But in the UK the bombings of 7-7 happened and then this is on the news not too long after. I really thought they weren't going to stop and got very worried for my family. The military didn't allow us to go to London for a long time after this all happened. And thank God for the man in the tubes who stood up against this horrible person who was going to detonate his bomb next to a mother with her young baby!! A MOTHER AND HER BABY!!! Let me say that again a MOTHER WITH A YOUNG BABY!!! That could be me, and LOTS of my friends not just on my space but everywhere!!! These people don't care who they kill. This is proof!!!
Thank God that these people failed on this day!!! And that the world has sat up and reconized that there is a force out there that wants to hurt us. Not just Americans but all free people. The bombings of July 7th really hit home hard for me. I was forever changed by 9-11 I think all Americans were but I have never been to New York and until now I hadn't been to the Pentagon. But I rode the tubes so much and was at those places that were attacked. And to me that was too close. And to top it all off we were flying home that morning and we were taking the tubes to Kings Cross on the same line and the train home. And for a higher reason got delayed one day and weren't there and had to stay a day late. And came home to a country attacked and recovering from terriosim.
I can't imagine wanting to hurt and kill anybody just because...And the fact that this guy saw the mother and her young baby and still decided to do that deed there and not even move! Not that it would make it better, but other than the person blowing himself up they would have been the 1st victims!! Why!!?? It makes me so sad and angry. This is why our men and women are over there doing what they are to get rid of people that will do this to the world. To get rid of the idea of hate that these people have had to live with. Hopefully someday the next generation will be happy free people just wanting to live thier lives the best way they can.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Extra! Extra! Michael Walks!!
Oh, MYGOSH!! Yes he finally did it!! He's taken 5 steps to me!!!! We were at church last night and I was in the nursery with Sharon and Beth we were sitting in a triangle and Michael was walking along with a walker. Got down and crawled to me. I had even just said 'he just won't take that step!!' And he stood up (he's been doing that a while) and took like 5 steps toward Beth!! Then she turned him around and he walked to me!! And stood up and walked to Sharon!!! Marathon walker!!!!!!! I was so happy I got teary eyed!! It's soooo cool!! He just started walking like no thing not unsteady at all!!!
On the other hand I am now the proud mother of a 1 year old and a 2 year old!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But not for long! Philip will be 3 soon! We are having a Super hero party for him!! We were just going to do Justice Leauge but.... Philip loves Spiderman. I assumed that we couldn't mix DC with Marvel- one of the comic books 10 commandments but Brent being an elder of the church of all things comics said that it would be permissable to bend the rules for a toddler who doesn't know better but just has a innocent love for comics!! I LOVE BRENT!!! So all super heros will be allowed to be at the party!! Now my only question: What does one cook for Super Heros!!