Wednesday, October 8, 2008

99 Things....

So I have had 2 cousins make lists....and I'm going to take a stab at it. So far I've learned lots of fun things about them and really wish we lived closer!

Here it goes....

1. I didn't wear all white until my wedding day.
2. I'm terribly allergic to cats but can't live with out one.
3. We live across the street from Philip's school and 1/2 mile away from church but still can't make it on time or early!
4. I didn't have a Barbie until I was 7 and a Ken until I was 10.
5. I really think we need more roundabouts in the US, they are great! *if you know how to properly drive on them!
6. I greatly respect my parents/grandparents for not pushing thier political views on us and letting us come up with our views and ideas.
7. I have known Brent since I was 12. (About a week after I met him I decided I was going to marry him) *Ask Mia
8. I DO NOT LIKE Rollercoasters!
9. I can remember phone numbers and number sequences but can't tell you what 6 x 8 is!
10. I really love to cook, and would love to have a show on the Food Network.
11. I have to always keep my hands busy, if I'm watching TV I'll crochet or do something with my hands.
12. I played Piano for 4 years but couldn't play much of anything now....I would like to pick it up again.
13. I always wanted a swing set.
14. I do not like blue cheese, I know cheese is mold but it doesn't have to 'look' like it!
15. I have to attempt to call Brent two times a day at work even if I don't get ahold of him.
16. I really wish there were such a thing as a laundry fairy!
17. I would love to write a book
18. When I was a child I would come home from church and have 'church' for my dolls complete with communion.
19. I have once performed the hula infront of a crowd of at least 500 people!
20. I still like to watch Mr Rogers and Sesame Street.
21. When I was about 11 I thought I could save the world by recycling. I made a club and we even had badges!
22. I was a girl scout up till Juniors and was a Daisy girl scout leader around 2000 with a friend.
23. When I went to NYC this August the moment I was on Broadway I had a terrible urge to sing! I did!
24. I cried when I saw the Colliseum up close, I was over whelmed by what I was looking at and what had happened in that place. I also heard the swell of music from Gladiator.
25. I really really miss being in choir and singing everyday.
26. No one really taught me how to sew, I found my Grandma sewing box one day and some fabric and made a bag for my jacks. Little did I know it was the fabric that she bought for a dress that was roughly $60 a yard! I still have the bag.
27. I do not like Guinness but I love Steak & Guinness pie.
28. I really would love to meet Martha Stewart.
29. I thought I had lots of patience untill I had toddlers.
30. I don't understand people who can't cook.
31. On my mother's side of the family I'm grandchild #121
32. I'm going to be Juno this year for Halloween and I'm still talking Brent into being Paulie Bleaker.
33. I used to be pretty good at rollerskating, don't think I have the courage to try now.
34. I love to go garage saleing but haven't in years.
35. I'm terrified of having surgery but yet I keep having babies!
36. I have a terrible fear of needles and IV's I know that IVs are plastic but I just think that they are going to break off in my arm.
37. I love fall and winter
38. I hate cigarette smoke but love the smell of a pipe.
39. I love taking pictures and wish I could be better.
40. Even after 4 pregnancies we still don't have a girls name....but haven't really needed one.
41. I love to garden, but can't seem to find the time or funds.
42. When I was younger, Grandma & I would have proper tea at 2pm every day with our little Wedgewood tea set.
43. I have 6 scrapbooks in progress, I get board of one and move to another....
44. I'm making 4 quilts for Christmas this year.
45. Just like scrapbooks I'm the same with cross stitch projects....I'm still working on one that I started in 1993.
46. I have scoliosis, 1 curve in the middle of my shoulder blades and the other at my lower back.
47. I'm obsessed with hands, I love to look and study them. And take pictures of them, especially baby hands, they grow so fast.
48. I love reading.
49. My favorite book is Gone With the Wind
50. I have always wanted a Victorian doll house.
51. I believe in Santa Claus
52. I love to watch Philip and Michael play when they think no one is watching.
53. I can't wait to Black Friday shop every year, as well as Christmas Eve shop.
54. It bugs me when I'm asked to to something that would have been just as easy for them to do it themselves.
55. I love to do Beth Moore Bible studies.
56. I tend to keep the TV on for background noise.
57. I like it to be colder when I sleep.
58. I like to use maps/GPS but I still ask for directions/help if it's needed.
59. I love English Muffins, toasted with cream cheese and blackberry jam (Thanks Ant Peggy!)
60. My favorite summer was the summer I spent in Paiona CO with my Aunt Peg.
61. My great grandma Speir taught me the new testament books of the bible, even though she would only sing...'Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jude and Revelation.' most of the time.
62. I love to decorate for holidays, especially Christmas and Halloween.
63. I only only eat butter, I can't stand margarine.
64. I had a Daddy Warbucks growing up, he was my mom's boss, he was big and bald and the sweetest man ever! Even after we moved he would still write us, his wife knew how much we loved him, and for years after he passed away would still send notes to us signing his name so we wouldn't be sad. I was an adult before I knew Daddy Warbucks had died.
65. I knew about the Holocaust when I was 4, from my Granny Schwartz, who was 95 in 1985, she and her family survived.
66. I can't stand when people speak to offend the English tounge.
67. I think that writing your life story down is the most important thing you can do for future generations. Let people know why you took the picture, who is in it, what you were doing, why. There are so many people that have passed and we will never know how wonderful they were.
68. I don't have a fear of heights but of falling.
69. I loved living in England.
70. I didn't know how much I could love someone until I saw Philip for the 1st time the same with Michael.
71. I love football but have never been to a game, not even High School.
72. I love school supplies! There is nothing like a new box of crayons.
73. I love the ocean
74. I like coffee but with lots of cream and sugar.
75. I have always wanted to be a teacher.
76. I like a good imported beer, really cold.
77. I still trick or treat
78. I make lots of lists then make a list for that too!
79. I had to have French Onion Soup in was SOOOO good!
80. I love to watch children dance, they don't worry about who is watching or what they look like they just let the music take over them.
81. I'm so grateful that my sister Mia and I are best friends.
82. I really enjoyed working in a hospital, helping people and seeing them smile.
83. I stood in the rain for 8 hours 30 weeks pregnant at the world premier of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in London, just to see the actors walk across the bridger and red carpet and had the time of my life!
84. I love theater! Musicals are my favorite.
85. I want my children to be happy successful Christian men.
86. I make new years resolutions and rarely ever keep them, I do try....
87. I'm voting for John McCain
88. I don't care how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
89. I support direct sales because someone gave my grandma a chance and look where it took her.
90. I was only going to do 75 things but kept thinking of things....
91. I loved to watch Garfield and friends on Saturday morning.
92. My feelings get hurt very easily but most of the time I never let anyone know.
93. I love to throw parties
94. I would love to have a catering business someday.
95. We have 100s of CDs but haven't listened to them in years....except for the Christmas ones.
96. I have all 10 seasons of Friends on DVD and love to watch them over and over.
97. I suffer from asthma, panic attacks and mild depression
98. I can't stand people who make you feel that you are in thier way even though you are both at the same place for a reason and there is plenty of room.
99. I could keep going but I'll save it for another time!

Well, there it is...hopefully this gives you a small glimpse into the crazy mind of mine!


Ryan and Katie said...

You know I've been trying to think of a good Halloween costume and we might just have to copy you! That's a great idea!


99 things!!! I am jealous!! #121 grandchild!! How many kids did your grandma have?? I definately want to see a picture if Brent ends up being Paulie! That is a really great idea.

Kira said...

Gone with the Wind is my favorite movie & I love my Victorian Doll house that my grandpa built for me. I need a hat crocheted by next week - think you could do that? Just kidding but the next time you are here maybe you could teach me how to read patterns.