Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The MOST unROMANTIC Valentine's Day EVER!

We went to bed knowing that there was going to be a 'storm' over night....Brent woke up at 4 to call to see if he had to go to work, nope! So he went back to sleep! We woke up at 6am to no power! And ice on our bedroom windows! This is what our front yard looks like!

Not to much fun!!! But we cam down stairs and tried to keep warm. Brent decided to go to Safeway to get some food. He also got us cards

And Hot Chocolate from Starbucks! Philip thought it was very cool!

After sitting in a really cold house we decided to go out! Target was closed, But Wal-Mart was open! Along the way we took some really neat pics!

After we walked around Wal-Mart and rediscovered that we liked white cloud diapers and they are soooo much cheaper we went to lunch at Chili's
After Chili's we went to check out Target again. It was open with minimal lighting, but the cash registers worked!! We went back home. It was still warm upstairs and we were all dressed in layers so Michael went and took a nap and Brent shoveled the walk while me and Philip played in the ice!

The wind was really harsh and the ice was falling so we didn't stay out there very long! Later that afternoon we decided to try our fireplace to get some heat in the den. NO LUCK! It's just for looks, it actually got colder than anything. As the sun went down it got a lot colder in the house. We decided to leave and go to a hotel! (It was Valentine's Day) So we checked all the local hotels....booked....went to the fort....booked...they gave us a list of 10 hotels....45 minutes later....the cheapest hotel was $200 a night....finally we found one!! Funny it was in the BWI district minutes away from Brent's office!!! So Brent knew I had been wanting KFC for a few days so that was our dinner! But we kept our heads up and only hollered a little at eachother!
The bed was horrible and we found out the next morning that the window had been cracked the whole time!! We couldn't get the room really warm!! But it was a warm place for the boys!! Of course we have been yelled at by a few people that we should have called! (Another reason we NEED A CELL PHONE!!) But we made it home and by noon the next day we had power! And will never forget our Most unRomantic Valentine's Day ever!!! The Boys all warm and knocked out in thier favorite room!! They are so easy! And we are blessed to have them!! And I'm blessed to have my wonderful husband! I love you, Brent!! Can't wait for next Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Baby is 3!

Well we have a 3 year old!! I can't belive that he is 3!! Where is time going??! He is in big boy pants and pretty much tells us that he needs to 'go'. It's a really neat thing!! And little gap under ware are so cute!! And Brent couldn't be happier about not having to buy diapers for 2 babies any more! He talks like crazy! And all of that! He talks about starting school. He knows his ABCs, can count to 15 in english and 8 in spanish (thanks Dora and Handy Manny). He knows colors and shapes. Currently he wants to go to Venice to ride a gondola. And China to see the big wall. Hopefully we can do that for him someday. Well I'll quit bragging on my baby! He's just great! And we love him so much, even if he drives us crazy!!
Happy Birthday Philip!!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Michael is A OK!

Well after the incident with Michael holding his breath, the trip to the hospital in an ambulance (yippie!), the over night stay in the hospital (on his birthday), the C/T scan of his brain, the labs, the EKG, the lung x-rays, the observation NOT to mention the 'failure to thrive status' he's been on since he was 8 months old and all the labs they did on him at Lakenheath 5 days before we left the UK and the EEG the poor little guy suffered thru this morning.....


His brain waves are perfect, his heart, lungs and brain all look perfect. ALL the labs have come back normal (no metabolic diseases). He's just 17 pounds of perfect baby boy!!!!! He does keep gaining weight that makes us happy! He's hit all of his developmental milestones on time or early. Soooo, the conclusion....Michael is a little ball of fire!! The perfect JACK JACK!!!! Never under estimate the power of little things in small packages!!!

7 Wierd Things!

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 7 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 7 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 7 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog. COPY AND PASTE THIS: Hey You've Been Tagged So GO Read my blog titled 7 weird things and find out the RULES!

1. I can roll my tounge both ways.

2. I had to take voice lessons when I was little because of the daycare I was at I had to scream to be heard and was ruining my voice. (No comments!) :0)

3. I really can't do math! Multiplication tables....NOPE!!

4. My water broke naturally on my due date with my 1st baby...26 hours later I had a c-section due to lack of progress!!

5. I have the brain for useless knowledge

6. I have really bad dreams still.

7. With all the weight I have gained I still have small ankles and skinny fingers!!

I am tagging Angie, Samantha, Mia, Melissa, Brent, Justin, Bobbie

Friday, February 2, 2007

My 27th Birthday!

The morning started out normal, kiss from Brent and he left for work. Around 6:30 I heard some noise downstairs and after 10 minutes of telling myself it's not a burglar they don't put away dishes I came down stairs to find this....... Brent suprised me with taking the day off! And gave me his time! He did leave to get breakfast and these. The noise I heard was him making this

Philip helped him decorate it later on! So we had breakfast and I retired upstairs to read for the morning.
It was a really nice day of rest. We went to lunch and Philip went down for his nap so I kinda combined #1 and #3. Me and Michael went to get Mommy and Michael pictures and shopped. Mostly got things for Philip. Then we came back and went to Outback for dinner. The boys were really good during dinner and it was good....mmm Alice Springs Chicken! All in all it was a great day and a wonderful suprise that Brent took the day off for me! The boys were extra sweet and it was one of the best birthdays ever!