Friday, September 21, 2007

And Now I Have A Boyfriend!

So, with the FIOS (it's awesome) installation I couldn't blog about the latest and greatest in my life!

So Melissa and I went to our favorire haunt to celebrate our fasting ending....ah the sun also sets! We waited, there is always a crowd...So we get seated at a table, not our favorite spot. We like the booth in the corner. So we get some totally awsome queso fundido!! TRY IT!! YUM! And our dinners, and traditional drink. And right in the middle of dinner we decide that we are moving, and ask if we can go to our booth, they even help us move all of our stuff. Now I have been going here with Melissa for about 10 months, they know her (her hubby worked there) and are starting to know get to know my face. So, we are at our booth and the host comes over to bring us something and calls me his love. We laugh and he walks away this proceeds a 'will you be my girlfriend' and a marriage proposal. All with the same anwser, "I'm married (happily) with babies. Thank you but, no" Always with a red face and giggles. I don't know what to think. My self esteem is all but non-existant and this throws me for a loop. He even brings extra large fried ice creams with a smile and a "I don't care you are married" Gotta love the persistance! So here I am to him beautiful! So I have to call my hubby and let him know about my proposal of marriage and he asks how much I've had to drink!! I'm laughing Melissa is cracking up! So, we get ready to leave and he tells Melissa (oh, yeah she is my translator, he speaks only a tiny bit of English) to tell me that he hopes to see me a lot because it will make him happy. With that we get the check and had free fried ice cream and more smiles! I love it! Just when I think that I'm the ugliest thing that walks the world. Someone tells me otherwise.

And YES my husband tells me all the time and reguardless that he has to tell me that or he really believes it are 2 different things. I know he loves me and wants to be with me because he thinks I'm beautiful and all of that. It's just really nice to hear it from another person (ie. male)
So, for now I have a 'admirer' and a free ice cream (every now & then) and the pick booth! And Melissa likes that! (the pick booth and ice cream) :0)
That's the excitement in my life! Ah, gotta love Mexican restaraunts! I was serious about the Queso Fundido! It's cheese dip with chorrizo!!

You Know What Sucks?

Going along and washing your hands and realizing that you have a paper cut in the underneath of your nail!!! OUCH!!! And that's how you find out you have a paper cut! Gotta love secretary work!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Croc Hunter

steve:[[Steve, the Croc Hunter has now been gone from us for a year now. And yet he seems still with us, showing us beauty in animals and that they are truly just as much a part of this world as we are. We were checking into our hotel about to leave England when the TV in the lounge reported that Steve had died. I had to sit down, I couldn't believe it....even knowing that he put his life on the line all the time. I guess I thought he was ivincible and that animals loved him as much as he loved them....and I know that what happened was an accident but it's just so sad. His wife and children especially Bindi are doing a wonderful job of carrying the torch. What made it worse was that just a few months prior Philip had discovered 'Steve' and started watching his shows. Since they were showing so much of him being only 2 1/2 he kept clapping and saying 'I love Steve' thinking that it was just another show. He still watches the Croc Hunter shows and now we have a family favorite, Bindi the Jungle Girl. It's really neat, the sad part is they started filming before Steve died and he has been in all the ones we have seen so far. His wife, Terri is so strong and wonderfully faithful to him still and his mission in life. I couldn't be so strong. My heart goes out to her and the young son who will only really get to know his dad from shows. But I guess he will know his father well in a since because you could see the heart and soul of that man and the love he had for animals. I have watched the croc hunter for as long as I can remember, Brent still has the action figure I bought him back from the Christmas of 2000. Funny thing, the action figure has been thru some attacks himself, from teething babies to puppy teething! He is now safely and proudly displayed on the top of the computer desk. Smiling always, smiling...That's why I guess we all love him...we felt like he was a friend, the crazy friend we all love who always smiled!
So, to the world (human and animal) we all lost a great friend. But we will always have the shows and specials that will always be on for us to see. he world will never be the same because of him and it hasn't been the same since we lost him but what a blessing to have had him in our time to know or at least get a peek into the mind of a man who loved all creatures.

Crikey! We miss you mate!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

We survived the 1st Day of School!

Yesterday was Philip's 1st day of school, preschool, but the 1st time someone else will take care of my baby other than Brent or I during the day for an extended period of time. Don't get me wrong he's had babysitters, but these ladies will be helping raise and mold Phil. And for a Christian school I'm grateful! So, we got up, he wanted cereal, Brent was ready to make what ever he wanted for breakfast, and he wanted kix!! Brent took the day off for moral support. So we got ready, and he brushed his teeth. He looked so cute in his new Gap outfit!! Very grown up. He nearly ran to his classroom! I had to hold his hand to keep him from running. Now, for those of you who don't the picture the door to the left of them is the classroom door and the door to the right with the gray box next to it is my office!! So he's not far....but still! I decided to not work during his 1st day but go home. Brent took Michael to the commissary and I took a NAP! I should have cleaned but with not feeling well I rested, it was wonderful! When it was time to get him we went back to pick him up and they checked thier cubbys and got in line to walk to the foyer. As soon as he saw us he smiled so big and ran right to us!

He had a great 1st day. Once he understood that you have to listen....he loves is teachers too!! I have my 1st piece of art from school too! It's an 'all about me book' very cool! And a Scholastic book sales thingy. I had forgotten all about those!! I'm so excited! Books! They are learning about 'me' for now and then about community. Brent and some co-workers may be able to go up in uniform to teach them about military service in the community. That will be really cool and of course there will be pictures! My baby all grown up! Suprisingly I didn't cry, I was a little sad to see him just say 'bye' and run into the room. But the smile he had when he saw us was priceless! We took him to McDonald's for lunch and he told us about his day. He even took a nap that afternoon without a fuss. He's growing so fast!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

An Ode to My Camera

Well, since the middle of last month, more like the trusty camera had died! I felt like I lost a best friend, more like a baby...that thing caught memories and moments that because of it I will always have. I was behind that thing for the 1st 3 1/2 years of my babies lives. That camera got to see my new born baby hold his daddy's hand before I did. And it got the glimpse of Michael before he was even all the way out. It saw a great grandpa that got to see his grandson who brought his family full circle back to his home land of England before he passed away. I got the joy of a great grandma running to see her baby while her husband proudly held his namesake. And the 1st time an Aunt saw her nephews it caught the smiles and tears. All of the holidays, events, birthdays, weddings, babies....the silly pics and the great pieces of photography, I say thank you old friend.

This thing was bought in England, has gone to Paris, France, Rome Italy, Washington DC, London England and the US all over countless times until it took the last picture of a beautiful evening in London and moved with us to Maryland. All of the landscapes and places that's it documented, thank you old friend.

It's been tried and true. Babied, dropped (only a few times) and went thru tons of batteries. I'm sad that it's gone. But I will always have the images that it took for my family and I and for that I'm thankful. So, today I took my 1st pictures with my new camera, it's a little smaller, has a lot more bells and whistles, and was WAY more cheaper than cameras 4 years ago. But the 1st pic that the new family member took was of the old camera that has done so much for me.

So, I say goodbye to an old friend and welcome a new friend and can't wait for what this one will see and take for our family.

Thank you old friend. That'll do camera, That'll do.

I Got Tagged

Here's how you play:
Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave them a comment (you're it) and to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me back, let me know when you've posted your blog so I can see your answers.
Okay, here goes. If you REALLY know me some of these things are obvious but for the rest of you here it is...
1. I once played Snoopy, and had the time of my life

2. I had to take voice lessons when I was little because I had to scream to be heard at the nursery school I was at, It nearly ruined my voice

3. I thought I wanted only girls, until I had boys

4. I am the Queen of Useless Knowledge

5. I actually think I take a good picture

6. I never beat Super Mario Brothers (the orginal one)

7. I honestly can't tell you what 8x7 is with out adding 7+7 is 14 and 14+14=28 and 28+28 is (8+8=16 carry the one) 56

8. I would love to be a professional scrapbooker, that gets to design things and make albums for people, on a grander scale than what I do now.

9. I truly love all of my friends and when I say, "If you ever need anything" or "anytime" I REALLY mean it!! I'm there.

10. I don't think I'll ever get my degree, and really didn't think I would ever not get one, and that's ok. My success isn't going to be measured by a piece of paper but by the Men my boys turn out to be.

I am tagging Melissa A, Ruth, Ashley, Mia, Melissa K, Tina, Bri, Angie, Janie, Daina