Friday, September 21, 2007

And Now I Have A Boyfriend!

So, with the FIOS (it's awesome) installation I couldn't blog about the latest and greatest in my life!

So Melissa and I went to our favorire haunt to celebrate our fasting ending....ah the sun also sets! We waited, there is always a crowd...So we get seated at a table, not our favorite spot. We like the booth in the corner. So we get some totally awsome queso fundido!! TRY IT!! YUM! And our dinners, and traditional drink. And right in the middle of dinner we decide that we are moving, and ask if we can go to our booth, they even help us move all of our stuff. Now I have been going here with Melissa for about 10 months, they know her (her hubby worked there) and are starting to know get to know my face. So, we are at our booth and the host comes over to bring us something and calls me his love. We laugh and he walks away this proceeds a 'will you be my girlfriend' and a marriage proposal. All with the same anwser, "I'm married (happily) with babies. Thank you but, no" Always with a red face and giggles. I don't know what to think. My self esteem is all but non-existant and this throws me for a loop. He even brings extra large fried ice creams with a smile and a "I don't care you are married" Gotta love the persistance! So here I am to him beautiful! So I have to call my hubby and let him know about my proposal of marriage and he asks how much I've had to drink!! I'm laughing Melissa is cracking up! So, we get ready to leave and he tells Melissa (oh, yeah she is my translator, he speaks only a tiny bit of English) to tell me that he hopes to see me a lot because it will make him happy. With that we get the check and had free fried ice cream and more smiles! I love it! Just when I think that I'm the ugliest thing that walks the world. Someone tells me otherwise.

And YES my husband tells me all the time and reguardless that he has to tell me that or he really believes it are 2 different things. I know he loves me and wants to be with me because he thinks I'm beautiful and all of that. It's just really nice to hear it from another person (ie. male)
So, for now I have a 'admirer' and a free ice cream (every now & then) and the pick booth! And Melissa likes that! (the pick booth and ice cream) :0)
That's the excitement in my life! Ah, gotta love Mexican restaraunts! I was serious about the Queso Fundido! It's cheese dip with chorrizo!!

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