Saturday, September 1, 2007

An Ode to My Camera

Well, since the middle of last month, more like the trusty camera had died! I felt like I lost a best friend, more like a baby...that thing caught memories and moments that because of it I will always have. I was behind that thing for the 1st 3 1/2 years of my babies lives. That camera got to see my new born baby hold his daddy's hand before I did. And it got the glimpse of Michael before he was even all the way out. It saw a great grandpa that got to see his grandson who brought his family full circle back to his home land of England before he passed away. I got the joy of a great grandma running to see her baby while her husband proudly held his namesake. And the 1st time an Aunt saw her nephews it caught the smiles and tears. All of the holidays, events, birthdays, weddings, babies....the silly pics and the great pieces of photography, I say thank you old friend.

This thing was bought in England, has gone to Paris, France, Rome Italy, Washington DC, London England and the US all over countless times until it took the last picture of a beautiful evening in London and moved with us to Maryland. All of the landscapes and places that's it documented, thank you old friend.

It's been tried and true. Babied, dropped (only a few times) and went thru tons of batteries. I'm sad that it's gone. But I will always have the images that it took for my family and I and for that I'm thankful. So, today I took my 1st pictures with my new camera, it's a little smaller, has a lot more bells and whistles, and was WAY more cheaper than cameras 4 years ago. But the 1st pic that the new family member took was of the old camera that has done so much for me.

So, I say goodbye to an old friend and welcome a new friend and can't wait for what this one will see and take for our family.

Thank you old friend. That'll do camera, That'll do.

1 comment:

Renee said...

WOW!!! I really liked how you put the store.