Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Christmas Star

So we set up the tree this past weekend. Brent, Patrick and Me. Sunday we got the lights up. Had to go buy a few new ones. They were pushing 7 years. So Monday morning Philip woke up to see the tree. The first thing he asked was where's the Christmas Star??? How sweet is he!? We have had silver ribbon that tops the tree since Katy broke the first topper we bought. But I think this year we may have to consider a star. Monday night we decorated the tree. Leaving a few ornaments for Philip to put up. He put all of the candy canes in one place making a candy cane colony for us. I don't have the heart to move them. He was so proud of it. He also got Brent to hold him all the way up to put the star ornament up at the top! Michael sat and supervised from the exersaucer. It was fun putting the tree up this year!

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