Sunday, January 20, 2008

20 Rules that I have broken.....

  1. The 1st one would be the easiest one.....speeding....thankfully I have gotten better since I carry precious cargo in the car with me.
  2. To not kiss on the 1st date. I can't help myself sometimes!
  3. To not feed my kids junk food.....They LOVE oreos!
  4. To not share hairbrushes.
  5. To not yell at my kids. (working on it)
  6. To let the kids eat infront of the TV
  7. To let my kids watch more than 2 hours of TV a day
  8. I have not always been patient with people
  9. I let my babies sleep on thier backs if they rolled over. (Rule I don't break.....Don't wake a sleeping baby)
  10. I make up my own rules for Pit, I competely ignore the rule book!
  11. I have worn white shoes after labor day and before memorial day
  12. I have registered to vote but didn't
  13. I have paid bills late....
  14. I have mixed pasiley with stripes in a scrapbook
  15. I go outside with my hair wet ALL the time
  16. I let my kids drink fizzy drinks and they had tirimasu for dessert today!
  17. I don't always color in the lines
  18. I haven't always honored my mother and father
  19. I didn't always go to chapel in college
  20. I skipped school (college) with my own mom! (But it grew our relationship so I don't know if that was so bad...)

I'm sure there are many more....but who's perfect???

Are there any rules you have broken??

1 comment:

Kira said...

I would probably be easier to list 20 rules that I have NOT broken. Actually it would be more like 5. I'm not poster child for following the rules - and don't announce that to my kids either, please