Monday, January 5, 2009

34 Week, Baby update...

I had my appointment today...we are measuring at 34cm (right on schedule) and I have gained a total of 5 pounds. (1 pound over the 2 weeks that is Christmas & New Years) We have had a few bumps along the way since the last appointment, the Saturday after Christmas I wound up in L&D with contractions, but I was dehydrated so they pushed fluids and after 10 hours of contractions about every 10-15 minutes they slowed down enough for them to send me home. With that I'm always carrying water around with me now...
I have also been having terrible charlie horse cramps in my lower legs that wake me up in screaming pain. I was told I didn't have enough calcium, so now I'm eating tums everyday since milk isn't one of my favorite things. I'm also running low on I'm on iron once again.

Upon mashing on my belly the midwife told me why I am also having a hard time sleeping at night...Anthony is laying cross ways, side to side in my belly. Basicly when I lay down on one side I'm on his head and when I get so uncomfortable to move I'm on his rump. It also explains why I get kicks on both sides at once (leg & arm). He hopefully will turn head down in the next few weeks. It doesn't really matter since we are a c-section but I would be a little more comfortable.

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