Thursday, January 22, 2009

36 weeks...and counting

This was the 34 week pic...I'm quite uncomfortable. My hips do not like me anymore!

Michael spending some quality time with 'Anphoney' as he says. He refuses to touch my stomach unless he can feel my skin. So, there you go!

A new concept for me....Nesting. I did not do this with Philip or Michael. I mostly slept with them but I find myself waking up at 5ish wide awake and doing laundry! But not just laundry, folding and putting away, which is a task for a preggo to walk upstairs. We had bought a bassinette earlier this fall and I was looking at buying a few more sheets, they wanted $7 for 1!! So I waited for a sale at JoAnns and bought enough for 7 for the price of less than 2. And I may have enough left over to make a little blanket as well. But that is on hold until I finish Philip's quilt (another post) Not only am I doing laundry, I'm planning Philip's birthday party, making stuff for his grab bags, organizing the house, getting things in order, making the guest room ready for all of our guests...

Yes, I'm 35 weeks here....and I'm now only wearing 'stretchy pants'. Mia always refers to me a Nacho Libre...Thanks Mia! Someday she'll have to wear stretchy pants too!

36 Week appointment....yesterday...the count is still 5 lbs gained (no more), blood pressure is great, there is no swelling (my rings can still slide off, nearly fall off when I'm outside), heart rate is perfect, Anthony is head down and getting ready. Even though it won't matter which way he is it's nice to know that he's doing what he should be. I had a slew of questions for the doc yesterday and he was great and anwsered them all! I found out that I will not get taken to the other side of the hospital to recover but just in the other room and the baby and Brent will not leave me! This is nice, since after the boys I went one way & Brent went with the baby the other and I didn't get to hold or see them for 2-3 hours. We are counting down the days until c-day...17 and a wake up.

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