Monday, April 2, 2007

It's a BOY!

Well, Michael isn't the baby of the family any more!! He's been trumped by new little one.....

Boy you all thought that I was having another baby didn't you!!! Well we did it! We got a puppy, a beagle named "Rocky Balboa" Philip picked out the name because I got 'Rocky' for Brent for Easter. He's 8 weeks old and so cuddly. He's doing really good being in a house and 'going' outside. The boys like him. Until he starts to chase them thinking they are playing. We are all adjusting well, he was going to sleep in a kennel but I couldn't let him cry all night. So he sleeps with us until he is housebroke. But just wanted to post a cute pic of the newest little Poff.

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